What is a Thai cat?
The Thai cat was recognized as a distinct breed in 2010 by T.I.C.A.  (The International Cat Association).  The T.I.C.A. General Description of the Thai cat is:  “The Thai is the breed dedicated to preserving the native pointed cat of Thailand in as close to its original form as possible. Thai is the official breed name in TICA and in many registries in Europe, but the breed is known in Thailand itself as the Wichienmaat and elsewhere as the “Old-Style Siamese.” Thais are shorthaired and have the colorpoint pattern, which includes deep blue eyes, whitish beige body, and dark-colored extremities (the “points”), but they are moderate in type, never extreme.”

For additional information, please click on the T.I.C.A. Breed Standard listed here:  http://www.tica.org/public/breeds/th/intro.php

The PREOSSIA website http://home.comcast.net/~bevjoe3/preossia/ contains a wealth of information regarding Thai Cats that every current and future owner should know.

General Information:
Thai kittens and cats are very special.  First and foremost YOU must be prepared for a long-term relationship.  Our Thai cats are bred for health and longevity not just looks and personality.  Thais typically live eighteen years or more when well cared for.  YOU must be the primary caregiver and YOU must provide superior indoor shelter, food, and entertainment for your Thai.  You may NOT abandon, give away, or sell your Thai.  If you are unable to meet these conditions, TimEZ Cattery or its assignee will take back your Thai.

Thai cat personality:
Thais are vocal and at times loud.  Their voices have a gravelled, gargley sound.  They will communicate with you as often as possible.  My east coast girl has a very distinct accent.  Her attention demanding howl sounds like a high pitched “air” as in “AAAAAAAIIIIRRRRRRR”.  My west coast boy uses the “awl” sound, in contrast, as in “AAAAAAWWWWWWLLLL”.  Their inquisitiveness drives them to follow you around the house.  They want to see what you are doing, so they can learn to do it themselves or urge you to do it faster.  Katsu opens shower doors and wire cage doors and kitchen cupboard doors.  Felicia jumps on my back while I’m bending over to scoop out her litter box all the while saying “AAAAAIIIIRRRR”.  No object goes untouched.  No closet goes unexplored.  There is nothing too high in any room that a Thai cannot jump on.  And they can fly!   At five months old, Felica, can cross a twenty-foot long room only touching the floor once with paws and claws outstretched looking more like superman than tinycat.  Thais seem to act more as pack animals that other felines.  They sleep together, groom each other (and you), play together, and eat together.  It is a bit worrisome to hear cat grumblings and moans when two cats are tearing around the house, chasing each other but it is a big ROTFL when it’s a big twelve pound male being chased by a little five pound female that wants to chew his ears.